Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Katia Scarf Yarn :)

Good morning :)  Just when we thought that spring was here we are getting another blast of winter.
The good news is that the much anticipated Katia Triana and Ondas scarf yarn has arrived. 

In addition we have other options for you as well - we have a brand new one called Spectra.  As well the Moda and Moda Lame by Filatura Di Crosa is also in stock.

Don't be left our in the cold :)

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Class is cancelled because of the weather

Good morning.
To those that enrolled for the Moebius scarf class scheduled to start today - we are going to cancel class this morning and will start next week due to the weather.

March is sure coming in like a "lion" hopefully it will leave like a "lamb"

Thank you ladies and have a great day