I want to extend a GREAT BIT THANK YOU for all of your patronage and support during 2012. I am so looking forward to sharing all of the exciting things we are planning for 2013.
I wish you and your families a Wonderful Holiday Season filled with Love, Laughter and Good Health and a Happy, Healthy 2013 with much exciting knitting throughout the year.
Here are our Holiday Hours for Sweet Yarns
Closed from December 23, 2012 to and including January 7th, 2013.
Regular Hours to resume on January 8th, 2013. We have lots of exciting things planned for 2013 and hope that you will join us for much of the fun.
Thank you and Best wishes today and always.
Wishing you and yours the Merriest Christmas ever and all the best of health, joy and prosperity in 2013.